TMA Guaranteed Ride Home is designed to help commuters who are worried about how they will get home when an emergency arises. Knowing there’s a guaranteed ride home allows participants to use RTA/WEGO Train, RTA WEGO commute express, Bus and VanStar vanpools with peace of mind and confidence.
TMA Guaranteed Ride Home ensures participants six FREE RIDES per year for unexpected emergencies such as an illness or a sick child. Participants are provided a voucher for a taxi that covers the cost of the ride.
TMA Guaranteed Ride Home Serves Vanpool, Bus and Train Commuters

Reasons for Using TMA Guaranteed Ride Home

Commuter becomes ill during the work day

Family member becomes ill during the work day
Hear what others are saying about TMA Guaranteed Ride Home

“I was worried about getting stuck at work, but TMA Guaranteed Ride Home provides a taxi voucher so if something comes up, I can always get home.”